‘Patel’ missing from ‘Amisha Patel’ in Thoda Pyar Thoda Magic

According to the latest news the hot and sexy Amisha Patel has dropped her surname ‘Patel’ from her new movie Thoda Pyar Thoda Magic. There is nothing surprise in this because one time before she left her home and her family for her boyfriend Vikram Bhatt. Although she didn’t have any kind of relation with Vikram now even then she had taken that major decision. Everyone want to know to reason for dropping her surname?

Media talk with director Kunal Kohli on this issue then he said,” Amisha told her that she wants to appear her name without her family surname and there is nothing serious for this she has given a numerological reason for this.” Amisha mother Asha Patel and Brother Ashmit Patel is not aware about it.

According to sources, few years back she had broken all relationship with her family because of some monetary disputes. She had claimed that her hard earning money had been used for wrong purposes and she took steps for getting back her money.

When Amisha parents come to know about her breakup with Vikram Bhatt then they said they are ready to accept their daughter. But from her decision of dropping the surname told that she doesn’t want to come back to their parents.

Now this sexy lady should have to understand that she is the daughter of her parents and there is nothing lie in it and that she can never refuse so there is a need to think on this decision before taking any final decision.





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